"Mr. Clark medicine is not a exact science" by Dr. Hule Jefferson Hospital Philadelphia P.A.
"You have not been drinking or taking tylenol have you?"
(Maybe if I ask him three seperate times he will fold and tell the truth) " If you were drinking your liver levels would be reversed"
Dr. Salartash "Just keep packing the wound it will heal"
Dr. Parikh "You were never going to heal you had a suture reaction the whole time"
Bone Marrow Aspiration 2006: You have very hard bones youll never get osteo porosis.
"I lost the sample"
"You really do have a high pain tolerance" Shore Memorial Hospital Wound Clinic 2004
"Maybe will put in a pic line into since we dont have three lumen cathether this is only a two lumen cathether"
No you wont youll get my Doctor on the phone right now! Jeanes Hospital Interventional Radiology 2004
New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles Clerk "Ha Ha I have SARS",
Ha Ha I have Leukemia and Im wearing the mask so you don't get me sick!
"Dr. Nanfara Northfield New Jersey You Dont Have a Hernia you have a abdominal wall strain and Im Sending you back to work." " I have not missed anytime at work Doc, I went back to work the day I was hurt". "What are all those surgeries from anyway". "I had cancer doc read the chart"
"Radiologist from Atlantic Medical Imaging 2006 You have a small abdominal wall hernia"