How to Help

Like you, more and more patients and families are using CarePages to receive emotional support from family and friends - before, during, and after a visit to the hospital.

But we'll need your help to reach more families. Many people are still not aware that this free service is available. You can help make a difference in their lives.

Please join our grass roots community of those who are helping to spread the word about CarePages.

Here's how you can help:


Tell a friend - Send our Tell a Friend e-mail to friends and family to introduce them to CarePages.


Become a CarePages volunteer! - Contact us at if you'd like to join our growing group of volunteers. CarePage volunteers are advocates of our service who help us to spread the word, improve the service and attract new sponsors.


Tell others about CarePages - Encourage local religious leaders and hospital clergy to find out more about CarePages. Ask them to tell their congregations about CarePages. If you're a CarePage manager, please be sure to speak with other patients and families about how easy it is to get started.


Help us find new sponsors - Tell us about a potential sponsor - a hospital, employer, faith-based organization, health-care related organization or adoption agency that may be interested in offering CarePages. We’ll send them a sponsorship kit.


Suggestions - Send us your suggestions of how we can help more people through CarePages.

If the hundreds of thousands of CarePages members told two other people about the service, everyone would know about CarePages!

With your help, we can bring more families and friends together when they’re needed most.

Thanks for your support!